Dr. Archana Sharma

Lead Advisor, LLF
Principal Scientist, CERN

Dr.Archana Sharma is a Principal Scientist in the CMS Experiment and has worked at CERN, Switzerland for over 30 years. She is an international expert on gaseous detectors and has authored over 1000 publications, articles and a book.

Marie-France Labelle

Programme Director, LLF | STEM
Director, Ecolint | Lead Educator, IBO

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

Dr. Mick Storr has worked for 40 years as an experimental particle physicist, software engineer, and notably in the last 20 years in the field of education and outreach at CERN, Switzerland. He pioneered the teacher training programme and was the Head of Academic Training and Visits Service.

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

Dr. Michael Hoch is the Founder of art@CMS, the outreach and education function of the CMS experiment at CERN, Switzerland. As a scientist and artist, he creates engagement between the science community and artists, art institutions as well as educators, students and the public.

Dr. Archana Sharma

Lead Advisor, LLF
Principal Scientist, CERN

Dr. Archana Sharma

Lead Advisor, LLF
Principal Scientist, CERN

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Marie-France Labelle

Programme Director, LLF | STEM
Director, Ecolint | Lead Educator, IBO

Marie-France Labelle

Programme Director, LLF | STEM
Director, Ecolint | Lead Educator, IBO

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

Dr. Mick Storr

Programme Director, LLF | Ex-Head
of Academic Training, CERN

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Prachi Jha

Director - Outreach and
Partnerships, LLF

Prachi Jha

Director - Outreach and
Partnerships, LLF

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Dr. Manohar Sidana

Advisor, LLF | Ex-Director, DRDO

Dr. Manohar Sidana

Advisor, LLF | Ex-Director, DRDO

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Dr. Shashi Bhushan Pandey

Advisor, LLF
Astronomer, ARIES

Dr. Shashi Bhushan Pandey

Advisor, LLF
Astronomer, ARIES

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

vneet Madaan

LStrategic Advisor, LLF

vneet Madaan

LStrategic Advisor, LLF

With a Masters in International Education and years of global experience in education, Marie-France Labelle leads the development of our key initatives. She is currently the STEM Director at the International School of Geneva and lead educator for the International Baccalaureate (IBO).

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